The P&P Players
The P&P Players were founded in July 2005 to provide an outlet for members of P&P who wanted to perform straight plays.
The inaugural production was "Dining Out", an evening of One Act Plays at Hamworthy Club, Canford Magna. A Ploughman's Supper completed the evening’s enjoyment. Since then, P&P Players has gone on to win awards with their One Act Plays, competing in the Dorset Drama League Festival (part of the All England Theatre Festival).
From melodrama to comedy; one ‘acters’ to the full three three-act plays; from plays with music to monologues, P&P Players have pushed the boundaries and added a new dimension to what P&P offers its membership and audience.
The Players' programme includes a full play, or compilation of One Acts, in February and October each year; scenes and sketches from a mixture of plays for the Summer Cocktail performance with the P&P Singers in June/July; and readings of poetry and prose alongside the P&P Singers at the annual St Aldhelms' Christmas Concert.
The Players have had huge success with their productions, especially Rebecca, Steel Magnolias and A Bunch of Amateurs, even performing a show penned by one of their own members in 2013 (Changing Fortunes by Alan Bulloch). The plays are performed at the Barrington Theatre, and more recently at The Spire, High Street, Poole.
Join Us
Entry to the Players is via audition. You can find out more about the audition process on our Join Us Page,
Rehearsals are usually held on Wednesday evenings at The Spire. Additional rehearsals may be arranged as required according to cast availability.
Between productions, virtual and in person play reading evenings have become popular, providing opportunities for members to enjoy a range of genres in a relaxed and friendly environment, and to have a say in future production selection.
If you would like to get involved with this vibrant group, then please contact Sophie our Membership Secretary on membership@pandp.org.uk or our Players' Rep, Clare I'Anson on players@pandp.org.uk
Watch Us
Details of all forthcoming productions can be found here on our Buy Tickets page.
If you would like more information you can also contact our Players' Rep Clare I'Anson on players@pandp.org.uk.
You can also follow Poole and Parkstone Productions on Facebook to be the first to hear news about upcoming shows and events.